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Shopify | Clothes Fashion Template, Clothing Website Templates

YouMe & Fashion Shopify Theme


If you are run a clothing store and want to set up your online store website to sell, then you need a Clothes Fashion Template that’s suitable for creating a Shopify website. Your theme should also have an attractive and engaging design. That’s why it’s so essential for fashion website proprietors to choose from the best Clothing Website Templates on the market, we offer Three unique demos on the home page and a super cool mega menu giving your customers two styles of product tab views on homepage. We always consider how quickly customers can move through the checkout process. For instance, every fashion website needs Product quick view options, Multiple zoom effects, Ajax products tag filter, Ajax pagination, Ajax cart page updates, and enable to price range slider options.

Sub Total Price

Regular Price: $99.00

Special Price $49.00

Live Demo

browser support

Fashion Apparels theme:

VERSION 4.0 (20 July 2023):

Updated - Dawn theme Current version 10.0.0.
Updated - Animation is added to all pages.
Updated - Stock Availability is added.
Updated - categories on the blog page are added.
Updated - Bootstrap tooltip is added.
Fixed - Product comparison issues solved.
Fixed - Quickview issues solved.
Fixed - Style Issues.
Fixed - UI view in both Mac and Android is solved.

VERSION 3.0 (20 Jan 2023):

Updated - Dawn theme Current version 8.0.0.
Fixed - Style Issues.
Fixed - Responsive issue.

VERSION 2.0 (30 May 2022):

Fixed - Css and Js Issues.
Fixed - Ajax add to cart button on the home page.
Fixed - Collection page styles.
Fixed - Ipad and Iphone view.