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Fitness & Sports

Bicycle WordPress Theme, Bicycle WordPress Templates | Webcodemonster

Bicycle WordPress Theme


It’s amazing how digital platform has changed the way people understand the reality, interact with each other, get inspirations and motivation to perform this or that action, change the lifestyle and more. Hence, with this biggest opportunity for the fitness and sports-based industry to promote itself, in this Bicycle WordPress Theme, we have put together the best Bicycle WordPress Premium Theme for sports clubs, cycling racing activities, tours, and competitions, as well as any other sports and athletes, fitness-related activities online portals.

Each of the Bicycle WordPress Pro Theme registered here is of supreme quality, amazing features, and functions bringing customization and management controls for Bicycle WordPress Templates website admin. Set up a variation choose to add a cart button for products, add a wishlist button for products on the shop page and product pages, add quick view button for products on the shop page, and product pages that will work stunning across various platforms.

Sub Total Price

Regular Price: $59.00

Special Price $49.00

Live Demo

Themes Plugins

browser support

VERSION 4.0 (10 April 2023)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.2 updated.
Updated - Ajax Search.
VERSION 3.0 (03 Octo 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.0.2 updated.
VERSION 2.0 (28 JUL 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.0.1 updated.
Fixed - Newsletter plugins styled and updated.
Fixed - Products Side bar in shop pages plugins styled and updated.
Fixed - Super Testimonials Plugins styled and updated.
Fixed -	Team Builders Plugins styled and updated.
Fixed - Product Zoom Maginifier plugins styled and updated.
VERSION 1.0 (3 APR 2021)
Fixed - Customizing the shop page.
Fixed - Grid And List not Working in Shop and Special Page.
Fixed - Style Issues.
Fixed - Responsive Style Issues.
Fixed - Some Hover Issues.
Fixed - Change in Category and tags Font style in all Browser.