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Shoes Website Templates, Fashion Shoes WordPress Theme | Webcodemonster

Fashion Trendy Shoes WordPress Theme


Here is the trendy, fashion shoe store Wordpress theme with – option to customize home page banner, smooth animation CSS and JQuery functionalities, mega menu bar, animated about us page and much more features. This attractive fully animated WordPress theme is responsive, user-friendly and SEO optimized. This WordPress theme also supports CSS 3, HTML 5 and excellent typography styles with Google Fonts with faster loading performance. Well documented for easy editing. See our cool template features at the right top and browser support functionality. Check the Live Demo link to know more about this beautiful WordPress template.

Sub Total Price

Live Demo

Themes Plugins

browser support

VERSION 4.1 (29 April 2023)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.2 updated.
VERSION 3.1 (17 Octo 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.0.2 updated.
VERSION 3.0 (28 MAY 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.0 updated.
Fixed - Samll CSS Compatablity fix based on the plugin updates.
VERSION 2.0 (27 JAN 2021)
Fixed - The bg overlay color is smaller in footer.
Fixed – hover styling issues.
Fixed - Minor styling issues.
Fixed - Responsive style issues.