VERSION 5.1 (08 April 2023)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.2 updated.
Updated - Ajax Search.
VERSION 5.0 (27 FEB 2023)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.1.1 updated.
Fixed - Style Issues.(Breadcrumbs links).
VERSION 4.0 (03 Octo 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.0.2 updated.
VERSION 3.0 (20 APRIL 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 5.9.3 updated.
Fixed - Samll CSS Compatablity fix based on the plugin updates.
VERSION 2.0 (27 JAN 2020)
Fixed - The bg overlay color is smaller in footer.
Fixed – hover styling issues.
Fixed - Minor styling issues.
Fixed - Responsive style issues.
Fixed- Hover shadow in product page is not smooth.
VERSION 1.1 (29 JAN 2018)
Fixed - CSS Fixes and Responsive.
Fixed - Respoinsive Style Issues.
Fixed - Some Hover Issues.
Fixed - All plugin has up to date.