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Interior Design Website Template, Free Interior Design Website Theme

Interior Design Website Template - WordPress Theme


Need an excellent new interior design website template for your interior design firm?

Our interior design WordPress template are the best of the best. They have fantastic styles for interior design companies and include a weight of useful functionality. You can sell products and services straight from your website, display a portfolio section with animation and animated pop-up features on the home page, and generate brand more leads all from your website. Excited to check out our free interior design WordPress theme now. Keep scrolling to find the live demo and picks for the free interior design website theme for interior designers. If you want a custom WordPress theme design? Visit our similar themes you’ll like our portfolio and gallery theme collection.

Sub Total Price

Regular Price: $21.00

Special Price $9.00

Live Demo

Themes Plugins

browser support

VERSION 5.1 (08 April 2023)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.2 updated.
Updated - Ajax Search.
VERSION 5.0 (27 FEB 2023)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.1.1 updated.
Fixed - Style Issues.(Breadcrumbs links).
VERSION 4.0 (03 Octo 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.0.2 updated.
VERSION 3.0 (20 APRIL 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 5.9.3 updated.
Fixed - Samll CSS Compatablity fix based on the plugin updates.
VERSION 2.0 (27 JAN 2020)
Fixed - The bg overlay color is smaller in footer.
Fixed – hover styling issues.
Fixed - Minor styling issues.
Fixed - Responsive style issues.
Fixed- Hover shadow in product page is not smooth.
VERSION 1.1 (29 JAN 2018)
Fixed - CSS Fixes and Responsive.
Fixed - Respoinsive Style Issues.
Fixed - Some Hover Issues.
Fixed - All plugin has up to date.