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Free, Responsive Construction Website | Wordpress Template - Webcodemonster

Construction - Engineering & Construction WORDPRESS TEMPLATE


If you are in the Construction business and thinking of constructing a website, then you will be happy to know that there is an impressive selection of Construction WordPress Themes that are built particularly for these sectors. Our Construction Company Website Template helps you to easily connect with your customers showcasing the types of work and plans you do and revealing some of the photos that illustrate your top work. Online presence makes the job of both the service providers and service seeker/customers easier and faster with our Construction WordPress Theme. For a construction corporation, a firm’s website has proven to be the most trustworthy source to reach out the potential customers. A Free Responsive Construction Website signifies as it assists to get more leads.

Sub Total Price

Regular Price: $19.00

Special Price $11.00

Live Demo

Themes Plugins

browser support

VERSION 4.0 (06 April 2023)
Updated - Wordpress version 6.2 updated.
Updated - Ajax search.
VERSION 3.0 (09 MAY 2022)
Updated - Wordpress version 5.9.3 updated.
Fixed - Samll CSS Compatablity fix based on the plugin updates.
VERSION 2.0 (27 JAN 2020)
Fixed – hover styling issues.
Fixed - Minor styling issues.
Fixed - Responsive style issues.
Fixed - Our team style issues.
Fixed - Client testimonial Background image alignment issues.
Fixed- Hover shadow in product page is not smooth.
VERSION 1.1 (29 JAN 2018)
Fixed - Top Menu issues.
Fixed - CSS Fixes and Responsive.
Fixed - Recent work alignment issues.
Fixed - Respoinsive Style Issues.
Fixed - Some Hover Issues.
Fixed - All plugin has up to date.